Yule Prayer

Luella Schmidt
2 min readNov 29, 2021

[This is designed to be read aloud around a hearthfire, but a simple candle will do. This was crafted with extra care for those who are grieving for a parent this year. It was conceived and written while listening to Relativity by Fires of Denmark.]

Photo by rawf8 Shutterstock

We are gathered here together, like generations before us, to share the deep and profound magic of this time of year. Our rich and abundant earth reaches its deepest, darkest moment, just before…



Luella Schmidt

Writer ✱ Creator ✱ Entrepreneur ✱ I write about history, politics, & justice ♥ and the Top 100 albums🎵, movies🎬, & novels📚 luellaschmidt.com ♥ Peace ♥